About Ayurveda

Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal science, focuses on healthy living through various methods. The restoration and maintenance of health is achieved through healthy diets, body massages, panchkarma and psychological and spiritual treatments. Depending only on herbal medicines, Ayurveda is perhaps an optimal synthesis of global medicine.

With its roots in the Indian Vedas, Ayurveda is today a universally accepted and practiced science for human wellbeing. According to Ayurveda, the main cause of diseases and maladies is an imbalance in the energy channels in the body. It specifies the functions and order of tissue enhancement through alterations in these energy channels.

In Ayurveda, more emphasis is laid on the correct lifestyle in order to achieve a longer and healthier life. For this, various healing and preventive methods are used to purify and revitalize the body. Panchkarma therapies that comprise perfectly balanced elements form the base to all the healing techniques and treatments.

Importance of Ayurveda

In order to have a fit body and lead a healthy life healthy diet and lifestyle are very important. Ayurveda defines a daily routine ‘Dincharya’ and a seasonal routine ‘Ritucharya’ to maintain optimum energy levels and overall health in life. Moreover, Ayurveda emphasises reducing negativity and encouraging positive thoughts, emotions and actions.

Swastha Vritha (sustainable positive health) is a combination of physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Ayurveda prescribes maintaining both physical and mental health for a comfortable and healthy life. Ethical actions and practices as well as adhering to moral values are preconditions for a healthy mind.

Benefits of Ayurveda

Ayurveda aims on holistic wellbeing of a human body and not only the absence of diseases. Today, this science is globally practiced to cure various physical and mental maladies and diseases. Ayurvedic treatments are done only after the examination of patient by physicians, the diagnosis, prognosis and determination of method for its treatment.

Ayurveda is effective for physical ailments such as obesity, diabetes, migraines, arthritis, joint pain, spondilitis, rheumatism, Asthma as well as neurological disorders etc. Adoption of healthy lifestyles, proper diets, physical exercises and maintenance of mental health by ethical practices are the ways of healing diseases and maintaining overall health. The holistic solutions offered by Ayurveda incorporate all of these to achieve healthy living.

With increasingly stressful lives, emotional pressures, irregular dietary habits and unhealthy lifestyles, physical and emotional maladies set in early stages. The stress and pressures bring in toxins and negativity which lead to a disease-prone body.